Product information on TempleGo, TempleGraph, Partners Plan and TempleMVV TempleGo Overview TempleGo is an easy to use technical graphing software package primarily for scientists and engineers. It has a simple point and click graphical user interface. Fast production of even very complex graphs is made possible by user-defined graph templates. TempleGo supports all of the features required to produce publication quality technical x-y plots. TempleGo may be used in interactive or batch modes and may be called from a user's program via Partners Plan Level I or II software. Data may be entered from files, standard input, keyboard, mouse or user-defined functions. Output is PostScript, PS Files or EPS files. TempleGraph Overview TempleGraph is an easy to use technical graphing and exploratory data analysis program. It contains all of the technical graphing capabilities of TempleGo plus curve fitting, descriptive statistics, variable transformations, vector arithmetic and calculus operations. Although primarily for scientists and engineers, it may also be useful to financial analysts. TempleGraph's capabilities are enhanced by support for user-defined functions which may contain up to ten embedded parameters. The results of adjusting these parameters via slider widgets are graphically displayed in real time. TempleGraph may be used in interactive or batch modes and may be called from a user's program via Partners Plan Level I, II or III software. A wide variety of data input modes are supported. Output is PostScript, PSF, and EPSF (color or gray-scale). Partners Plan Overview Partners Plan Levels I, II and III are libraries of C and Fortran callable routines that allow scientists and engineers to link TempleGo or TempleGraph to their computational or data acquisition programs to quickly and easily provide technical graphing capabilities, and, when used with TempleGraph, exploratory data analysis capabilities as well. Level I allows users to set all graph attributes by simply invoking a graph template file name. Template attributes that are likely to change from one data set to another, such as titles, legends and axis labels can be overridden as needed. With Partners Plan Level I programs can be linked to TempleGraph or TempleGo in an afternoon. Level II is a superset of Level I. It puts more than 150 graph attributes under the user`s programmatic control. Partners Plan Level II is suitable for use by software development firms as well as scientists and engineers who produce in-house computational or data acquisition programs. Partners Plan Level III is a superset of Levels I and II. It puts all of TempleGraph's data analysis routines under the user's programmatic control. Partners Plan Level III gives full batch control over a running TempleGraph. TempleMVV Overview TempleMVV is a multivariate graphing and exploratory data analysis software package which has broad application to many disciplines. Unlike conventional multivariate visualization software which relies heavily on color mapping, traditional 3d rendering and voxels, TempleMVV provides quantitative visual information in much the same way as x-y plots and it does not obscure your view of portions of the data. There is never a need to rotate a graph in order to see a hidden feature. For large multivariate data sets TempleMVV enjoys performance advantages of factors of thousands or more over scatter plot matrix and data spinning approaches and provides many capabilities beyond their reach and beyond the scope of conventional scientific visualization technology in both the analysis and presentation of multivariate data. TempleMVV has a simple point and click graphical user interface and outputs PostScript hardcopy. TempleMVV is now available on MS-Windows 3.1.